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Double Car Bombing Kills 60 in Central Baghdad

Iraqi authorities say a double car bombing in central Baghdad has killed at least 60 people, in an attack that targeted mainly poor Shi'ites waiting for jobs as day laborers.

Officials say the coordinated bombings today wounded more than 200 people in Baghdad's Tayaran Square.

A suicide bomber in a van set off his explosives after attracting a large crowd by pretending to offer work, and another parked vehicle exploded in quick succession.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki condemned the attack as "horrible" and blamed it on sympathizers of former dictator Saddam Hussein and Sunni extremists.

The U.S. military in Iraq, meanwhile, says a bomb exploded and caused "minimal damage" to the door and entranceway of the Golden Mosque in Samarra - a revered Shi'ite shrine. The military says the explosion occurred as demolition teams sought to remove the bomb.

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