Burma Opposition Disappointed Malaysia's FM Did Not Meet With Them

Burma's main opposition party is disappointed that Malaysia's foreign minister failed to meet with any of its members during his brief visit to the military-ruled country.

National League for Democracy spokesperson U Nyan Win told VOA Burmese Service that Syed Hamid Albar did not meet with the party, or its detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Hamid left Burma Friday after cutting short his long-awaited visit to the country. It is not clear why he left early.

Reports from Burma say that before leaving, the Malaysian official did meet with Prime Minister General Soe Win. Details on that meeting were not available.

Hamid arrived in Burma Thursday, and met with his Burmese counterpart, Foreign Minister Nyan Win, and other senior officials.

The visit was meant to gather information on Burma's progress toward democratic reforms and reconciliation with the opposition.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations appointed Hamid last year as a special envoy to visit Burma.

Officials in Burma agreed to the trip and a January date was set, but then was postponed by Rangoon.