EU Extends Its Common Position on Burma - 2002-10-25

The EU Council has extended its Common Position on Burma for another six months. The Common Position includes restrictive measures such as visa ban, assets freeze against a number of members of the Burmese military regime and ban of weapon sales to Burma.

UN representative of the National Coalition of Union of Burma - the exile Burmese government - Dr. Thaung Tun told VOA that extension of EU Common Position on Burma shows that EU was not satisfied with the development of political situation in Burma.

The Council expressed its serious concern about the recent arrests of several students by the Burmese military regime and the continuing human rights violations in Burma.

The Council called for the immediate release of all political prisoners, full co-operation with the ICRC in order to improve the conditions in the country's prisons, the lifting of all restrictions on freedom of association and expression, including the freedom of the media.

The EU Council urged the authorities to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches the most vulnerable population. The Council said the country's economic situation is deteriorating rapidly and encouraged the Burmese authorities to accept the invitation from the International Financial Institutions to initiate a substantive dialogue on macro economic reforms. The Council is also prepared to continue to react proportionately to developments in Burma, either positive or negative.

Information for this report is provided by EU Common Postion document.