Burmese Government Says Student Activists Linked to Terrorists

Burma's military government has accused five student activists of links to illegal organizations and terrorist groups.

Police chief Major General Khin Yi says the government has enough evidence to charge the students whom Irrawaddy magazine names as Min Ko Naing, Ko Ko Gyi, Min Zeya, Htay Kywe, and Pyone Cho, but the government is still investigating. The five are in government custody awaiting charges.

Khin Yi accused their dissident group, "88 Generation Students," of trying to incite unrest.

Members of the group have been conducting prayer vigils and a signature campaign in recent days to call for the release of the nation's many political prisoners, including democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The government has questioned the validity of the signatures.

The student group issued a statement today asking the United Nations to monitor the situation in Burma.

Information for this report is provided by AP.