Burmese Government Set to Release 115 Prisoners - 2002-11-25

The Burmese government announced that it would release 115 political prisoners. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said that he welcomed the release but it is incomplete and inadequate.

He urged the Burmese military junta to release all political prisoners. Amnesty International also called for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.

In the meantime, a student dissident was sentenced to seven years in prison. A leader of the All Burma Federation of Student Unions stated the recent arrest proved that the junta will release some political prisoners to deceive international community while it continues to detain additional dissidents.

The National Council of the Union of Burma, an exiled-political orginization based in Thailand, and U Ohn Myint of the National League of Democracy talked with VOA's Burma Focus about the release.