Russia Mourns Beslan Victims - 2004-09-06

Russia is observing a day of mourning, as grief-stricken residents in Beslan continue to bury their dead from a school hostage crisis.

Flags are flying at half-staff Monday for the 335 people killed in the attack that began September first, the start of the school year. Half of the dead were children.

Drizzle fell as thousands took part in processions. Mourners placed flowers on graves and wailed as their children were laid to rest.

The hostage standoff came to a violent end Friday when explosions occurred in the school and Russian troops stormed the building. More than 1,000 hostages were inside.

The first funerals were held Sunday.

Hundreds of people were injured. Some distraught families continue to seek news of their missing children.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.