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Blacks Gather in Washington for "Millions More March"

Thousands of black Americans are gathering in Washington Saturday to mark the 10th anniversary of the "Million Man March," and focus on problems faced by the country's poor.

Organizers of the "Millions More Movement" say the event is not a protest, but an assembly of a diverse group of leaders from across the United States and their constituents aimed at resolving issues related to America's poor.

The "Millions More Movement" is expected to draw members of Congress, as well as black musicians, civil rights activists, media figures, academics and business leaders to the National Mall for a day of speeches and music.

The "Million Man March" 10 years ago was aimed at empowering and uniting America's black men from all walks of life.

The event was attended by hundreds of thousands of people in one of the largest gatherings ever in Washington.

Information for this report is provided by AFP and AP.