President Bush met at the White House Monday with Burmese human rights activist Charm Tong.
In an interview with Voice of America's Burmese service, Charm Tong said she expressed her concerns to President Bush about what she called the desperate human rights situation in Burma -- including forced labor and extra judicial killings.
Charm Tong said the president was very concerned and asked what the United States could do to help.
Charm Tong, a 23 year old ethnic Shan, fled to Thailand as a small child to escape ethnic persecution in Burma. She has co-founded a network of human rights monitors on the Thai-Burmese border and established a school for other Shan refugees.
Charm Tong was among four Burmese women nominated this year for the Nobel Peace Prize and was awarded the Reebok Human Rights Award given to young people who risk personal safety to fight injustice.