Former South Korean president Kim Dae-jung says the situation in Burma is worsening, and he is calling for the country to be democratized.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2000 gave his opinion Monday in a published statement titled, "The Dire Situation in Burma Must Be Improved."
He urged Burma's government to guarantee the free political activities of political dissidents -- including opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose house arrest was lengthened late last year.
Mr. Kim also called on Burma's military leaders to allow the free entry and activities of U.N. representatives and other international organizations.
He called on the leadership to take appropriate measures so that humanitarian assistance from abroad could safely reach the people in need.
Korean media report the former president's statement has been sent to Burma's Senior General Than Shwe, chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and U.N. leader Kofi Annan.