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US to Allow Chin Refugees from Burma to be Resettled in United States

The U.S. Secretary of State has waived an anti-terrorism law to allow ethnic-Chin refugees from Burma to be resettled in the United States, even if they provided material support to ethnic rebels.

A statement from the U.S. State Department says the resettlement can occur even if the refugees have provided material support to the Chin National Front or Chin National Army, which have been fighting the Burmese military government.

However, the statement says Chin refugees living in Malaysia, Thailand and India must meet all other eligibility requirements for resettlement, including that they pose no danger to the United States.

The department says the exemption allows the United States to resume what it calls significant processing of the thousands of extremely vulnerable ethnic Chin refugees.

The State Department twice issued a similar waiver to allow ethnic Karen refugees from Burma to be resettled in the United States.