A spokesman for the Naga separatist group, A.Z. Jami of the S.S. Khaplang faction of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, said today that Burmese government forces fired mortars at the separatists' camps in an effort to drive them out of Burma.
He said the Burmese military burned down the separatists' general headquarters and two other camps in the northern Sagaing Division.
The spokesman says three rebels and at least 12 Burmese soldiers were killed.
At least four thousand rebels are running about 50 camps in Burma's thick jungles to evade Indian soldiers.
They are fighting for an independent tribal homeland in India's northeastern state of Nagaland, which borders Burma.
Burma's government has promised India that it will crack down on the rebels.
Information for this story is provided by AFP and The Hindustan Times.