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Reports: Burmese PM in Singapore For Medical Treatment

Reports from Singapore say Burmese Prime Minister Soe Win is seeking treatment there for an unspecified medical problem.

The reports quote an unnamed Burmese embassy official in the city state as saying a team of doctors is treating General Soe Win at Singapore General Hospital. The official says the prime minister arrived in Singapore several weeks ago.

Irrawaddy, A magazine published by Burmese journalists based in Thailand reported last week that General Soe Win may be suffering from leukemia.

The Burmese prime minister took office in 2004, replacing Khin Nyunt, who was purged from Burma's military leadership.

Washington accuses General Soe Win of plotting an attack on the motorcade of Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi near Mandalay in May 2003. She was imprisoned after the attack and placed under house arrest, where she remains.

Burmese military leader, General Than Shwe, received treatment at Singapore General Hospital for health problems earlier this year.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.