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Burmese Junta Sends Petition To US Over Threatened Economic Sanctions - 2003-07-14

Burma's military government has sent President Bush a petition, reportedly signed by 350,000 textile workers, appealing against a threatened U.S. ban on imports from Burma.

The U.S. Congress is expected to approve legislation calling for tough economic sanctions against Burma's military government. The sanctions would be aimed at pressuring the junta to release detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and halt a crackdown on her supporters.

The Nobel peace laureate and other leaders of her National League for Democracy party were detained on May 30th after NLD members clashed with a government-backed mob.

A report in a Rangoon newspaper (the English-language Myanmar Times) says the petition drive was organized by Burma's Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Information for this report is provided by AP and AFP.