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2004 Republican National Convention Live Coverage - 2004-09-03

President Bush is to accept his party's nomination for a second term and make the case for why voters should keep him in the White House for another four years. His speech comes on the last night of the Republican National Convention.

Speaking nearly three years to the day after the nation's worst terrorist attack, and just kilometers away from the site, President Bush is expected to deliver a strong defense of his war on terrorism, and argue that he is the best candidate to protect the security of the American people.

In excerpts of his speech released to the news media, Mr. Bush says, in his words, "We have fought the terrorists across the earth, not for pride, not for power, but because the lives of our citizens are at stake."

The president is expected to highlight his record on homeland security, and underscore his commitment to continue to broaden the reach of freedom across the world if given a second term.

Mr. Bush will defend his decision to go to war in Iraq, saying America is safer because former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is in prison.

He will also use his speech to review his domestic achievements, and remind voters he kept his promise to cut their taxes. He is expected to lay out his plans for improving the economy, health care and education.

Mr. Bush's Democratic Party critics say he has not done enough to strengthen homeland security, has not successfully planned for securing the peace in Iraq, and say his economic policies have resulted in lost jobs.