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Iran Agrees to Suspend Uranium Enrichment - 2004-11-14

Iran has agreed to a full suspension of uranium enrichment in an effort to avoid referral to the U.N. Security Council.

Diplomats say Tehran has agreed to stop work on potentially weapons-related nuclear activities including testing and production in any conversion facility.

France, Germany, and Britain insisted on this as part of a deal which will give Iran valuable nuclear technology. The International Atomic Energy Agency has also called for Iran to suspend uranium enrichment or face referral to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions.

The IAEA board of governors meets on November 25th to decide what action is appropriate on Iran's nuclear program that was kept secret for almost 20 years.

A report by the IAEA on Iran was due out Saturday, but was delayed to give Tehran time to comply.

The report is expected to praise Tehran's new co-operation and put the case for ongoing verification and international inspection of nuclear facilities and sites in Iran.

The IAEA is suspicious of the nature of Iran's nuclear program, but until now has not found conclusive proof of a weapons program.

Shahram Chubin, an Iranian and analyst at the Geneva Center for Security Policy says it is important to understand why Iran might want to embark on a nuclear weapons program: "But for Iran there is no nuclear neighbor, there is no strong threat and so it is sort of diplomatic influence, status and maybe a last resort against a U.S. attack and maybe a bargaining chip."

Washington is convinced Iran is working on nuclear weapons and is skeptical of Iran's promises on uranium enrichment, which in the past have not lasted long.

But Secretary of State, Colin Powell, made clear Saturday that the U.S. does not intend to invade Iran.