Warehousing Refugees: Decades Old Burmese Refugee Camps in Thailand

  • Than Htun

The briefing presents the results of a recent fact-finding trip to the Thai-Burmese border region, and describes the harsh conditions faced by Burmese living as internally displaced persons (IDPs), as refugees in camps, and as part of an undocumented population in Thailand.

The Burmese refugee crisis is one example of a serious worldwide problem - the long-term warehousing of refugee populations. The briefing assess the nature of refugee warehousing and whether the US government can pursue policies that improve the treatment of refugees in host countries of first asylum.

Participants in the panel discussion include: Naw Musi: a refugee who fled the Burmese military with her family as a young child and grew up in a camp along the Thai-Burmese border.

Kevin Landy: Minority Counsel for Senator Lieberman on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Recently returned from Thailand.

Lavinia Limon: President of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)

Veronika Martin: Asia Policy Analyst at USCRI and Sarah Petrin: Senior Government Relations Liaison at USCRI.