Burmese Insurgents Deny Part in Bombings

Opponents of Burma's military regime have denied responsibility for three bombings that killed 11 people and injured 162 others in the capital, Rangoon.

State-run media said terrorists were responsible for the bombings Saturday at two shopping malls and a trade center. The junta blamed three ethnic rebel groups - the Shan, Karen and Karenni - who have had long-running tension with the government.

The ethnic groups have strongly dismissed accusations they were involved in the deadly blasts. The government also implicated an exiled pro-democracy group, The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma.

A leader of the political group, Sann Aung, firmly rejected the accusation, and suggested the military regime itself may have been behind the blasts.

Thailand today on Sunday sent a military transport plane to evacuate around 120 Thais who were attending a trade fair at one of the bombing sites.

Information for this report is provided by AP and Reuters.