Sons of Ousted Burmese Prime Minister Khin Nyunt Tried for Corruption

Two sons of ousted Burmese prime minister and intelligence chief, Khin Nyunt have gone on trial on charges of corruption.

Khin Nyunt's sons -Ye Naing Wynn and Lieutenant Colonel Zaw Naing Oo- were arraigned Thursday in the country's notorious Insein prison amid tight security.

The younger son, Ye Naing Wynn, is a businessman, who ran Burma's internet provider, Bagan Cyber Tech.

Judicial officials say the charges stem from economic crimes.

The ruling junta, which has run Burma for more than four decades, says Khin Nyunt was dismissed because of corruption within his military intelligence unit, although analysts suspect tension within the army played a major role.

The decision to put the two sons on trial was made before last weekend's bomb blasts in Rangoon that killed 11 people.

Information for this report is provided by Reuters.