British Police Use Controlled Explosions During Searches in London Bombing

British police have set off a controlled explosion at a residence in the English city of Leeds in a search for those responsible for last week's terrorist bombings in London which killed at least 52 people.

Authorities evacuated surrounding homes before setting of the blast. They gave no details and mentioned no arrests. Earlier, police searched five residences elsewhere in Leeds.

In Brussels, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw urged the European Union to quickly implement plans for closer coordination in the struggle against terrorism. He called for moves to give police easier and faster access to telephone and internet data. But he stressed this should not restrict individual freedom.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Air Force has lifted an order banning its personnel stationed in eastern England from visiting London in the wake the attacks. The order, issued Friday, banned some 10-thousand U.S. Air Force personnel from entering the area
near the British capital. The decision prompted critical editorials in the British media.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.