Bush Welcomes IAEA Position on Iran

  • VOA News

President Bush has welcomed as a "positive first step" a resolution demanding that Iran halt nuclear fuel activities it resumed earlier this week.

Mr. Bush commented Thursday at his Crawford, Texas ranch, where he has been meeting with members of his defense and foreign policy teams, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The president said the resolution, adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency, shows that the world is coming together around the notion that Iranians should not have the means to develop a nuclear weapon.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bush said Iran's new leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, likely will receive a visa to attend a meeting at the United Nations in New York next month.

The United States is investigating allegations that Mr. Ahmadinejad may have been involved in the 1979 hostage crisis in Tehran.