Russia Joins US in Condemning Iran's Nuclear Work

Russia says it shares with the United States a sense of "deep disappointment" over Iran's decision to resume nuclear fuel research.

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the Iranian situation today-Wednesday, following discussions by telephone on Tuesday between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

European officials also have criticized Iran's announcement that it removed UN seals and resumed work at one of its nuclear sites. British, French and German officials are to meet this week about asking the the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran plans to produce limited amounts of nuclear fuel for research purposes. Iranian officials say their scientific work has resumed, but they have not yet ended a moratorium on nuclear-fuel production.

The United States and its European allies say Iran's ultimate goal is to build nuclear weapons - a charge that Tehran denies.

Information for this report is provided by AP.