21 Killed in Burmese Offensive Against Indian Separatists

  • VOA News

An Indian rebel leader says at least 15 Burmese soldiers and six Indian insurgents have been killed and many others wounded in heavy fighting to evict the rebels from Burma.

Rebel leader Kughalo Mulatonu of the main faction of the separatist National Socialist Council of Nagaland - N.S.C.N. - says the two sides have been engaged in heavy fighting since January seventh in Burma's northern Sagaing Division.

In the latest fighting, Mulatonu said Burmese soldiers destroyed 50 temporary shelters housing about 500 rebels. He said he fears Burma is planning a massive strafing operation with helicopter gunships.

The N.S.C.N. is fighting for an independent tribal homeland in India's Nagaland. Burma has assured New Delhi that the junta will not let Indian rebels operate from Burmese soil.

Information for this report is provided by AFP.