US Releases 500 Detainees from Iraqi Prison

  • VOA News

The U.S. military in Iraq says it has freed 500 detainees from Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison, including two journalists who had been held for months without charges.

A U.S. statement said those chosen for release were not guilty of serious crimes and had admitted their guilt.

The two Iraqi journalists, who work for Reuters News Agency, were arrested in August and September. Reuters says at least three other journalists, including a freelance cameraman working for the news agency, remain in custody.

Meanwhile, Iraqi judicial officials say a delegation is trying to persuade the chief judge in the trial of Saddam Hussein not to quit.

Judge Rizgar Amin submitted his resignation Saturday, following criticism that he had let Saddam dominate the court proceedings.

Saddam is being tried for the 1982 killings of 140 people in northern Iraq after a failed assassination attempt.

Information for this report is provided by CPIC, Reuters, AP, AFP and PREV.