Pro-Democracy Activists Urge UN to Intervene in Burma

Pro-democracy activists have held protests outside Burmese embassies in several nations to call on the international community to pressure Burma to end its human rights abuses.

Demonstrators gathered Tuesday in Bangkok, London, New Delhi, Tokyo, and elsewhere to ask the UN Security Council to intervene in what they called the military's offensive against civilians in eastern Burma.

They also want the government to release opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest.

Rights groups say Burma's military is committing violence against ethnic Karen people, including rape, murder, torture and forced labor. Reports say more than 10,000 Karen have fled their homes.

But the government says people are fleeing because of a power struggle within the Karen rebel movement. It insists anti-government groups are exaggerating the problem to spread propaganda.

Information for this report is provided by AP.