Gambari Says Aung San Suu Kyi Healthy But Won't Be Released Soon

A senior United Nations official who met with detained Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi says she appears to be in good health, but that his visit does not mean her release is imminent.

UN political affairs envoy Ibrahim Gambari made the comments today-Saturday to the Reuters news agency as he prepared to fly out from Bangkok after a three-day mission to Burma.

Gambari met with the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for about an hour Saturday at a guest house in Rangoon.

He was in Burma to press the ruling military junta to restore democracy and end human rights violations. As part of that effort, Gambari also met today-Saturday with Burma's top general Senior General Than Shwe and on Friday with members of the opposition National League for Democracy.

This is the first visit to Burma by a high-level UN representative in more than two years.

Burma's military leadership crushed a pro-democracy movement in 1988, and refused to recognize election results after a landslide victory by the NLD in 1990.

Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the NLD, has spent 10 of the last 16 years in detention, mostly under house arrest.

Information for this report is provided by Reuters.