Britain 'Appalled' by Burma's Detention Policies

Britain's top diplomat has condemned Burma's decision to extend Aung San Suu Kyi's detention for another year.

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett says she was "appalled" by the military government's announcement last week extending the detention order against the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize winner for another year.

Aung San Suu Kyi has been held under house arrest for the past three years -- part of more than 10 years of detention and imprisonment she has endured since her pro-democracy movement challenged the Burmese junta.

Beckett said in a statement in London Wednesday that Burma's failure to respond to repeated human-rights appeals by the United Nations and many world leaders is "unacceptable."

She repeated her government's call for Burma "to release all political prisoners and remove restrictions on all political groups, including the National League for Democracy."

She said this would enable "genuine dialogue and reconciliation" and the restoration of democracy.