Iraqi PM Has New Plan to End Sectarian Violence

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says he has a new plan to end the growing sectarian violence in his country.

Reports from Baghdad say he envisions local security commissions comprising representatives of the different political factions. The commissions would monitor security operations in Baghdad neighborhoods.

The reports say the plan also includes a new media committee but its role is unclear.

The prime minister announced the plan after talks with top Shi'ite and Sunni Arab figures in his government.

Meanwhile, Iraqi officials say at least 13 people were killed in violence Monday in Baghdad and elsewhere. And, 50 mutilated bodies were recovered in the capital.

Gunmen also kidnapped 14 people from computer shops in central Baghdad.

In other news, the U.S. military says an American soldier in Baghdad died today Monday of wounds from small arms fire.

More than 27 hundred American troops have been killed in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

In his new book, reporter Bob Woodward says the U.S. has not revealed the full extent of violence against U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

In Baghdad, Iraqi lawmakers renewed the country's state of emergency today Monday for 30 more days.

The state of emergency has been in effect for nearly two years.

Reuters news agency reports the number of Iraqi civilians killed in violence may have jumped to a record high for the month of September.

The agency quoted Iraqi health ministry statistics that indicate 1,089 civilians died last month, an increase of 42 percent over the previous month.