UN Envoy Meets with Democracy Leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Burma's military rulers have allowed a senior United Nations envoy to meet in Rangoon with the nation's detained pro-democracy leader and Nobel laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi.

This was the second time that UN Undersecretary-General for Political Affairs Ibrahim Gambari has been granted permission to see Aung San Suu Kyi. The two last met in May.

For today's meeting, Aung San Suu Kyi was escorted from her lakeside compound in a three-car convoy to a nearby government house where Gambari is staying. Burma's police chief accompanied her.

Officials say the meeting lasted about an hour. No details were made public, but the UN released photos in which the detained pro-democracy leader appeared to be healthy and showed a modest smile during the meeting.

Gambari arrived in Burma Thursday. UN officials say his assignment was to persuade Burma's military rulers to take tangible steps forward on human rights, democratic reform and national reconciliation.

Gambari also met today with elders from Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party.

NLD Spokesperson U Nyan Winsays that he is pleased that the UN Security Council is addressing human rights in the country.

The National League for Democracy won Burma's national elections by a landslide in 1990, but the military prevented the party from taking power.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.