British MPs Discuss Resolution on Religious Freedom in Burma

The motion was proposed Thursday by Conservative Party member Stephen Crabb.

The motion, if passed, calls for the UN Security Council to pass a binding resolution that requires Burma's military-ruled government to cease what it calls widespread violations of religious freedom, release all political prisoners and give international organizations unrestricted access to the country.

The motion comes just days after a British-based human rights organization, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, released a new report on Christians in Burma.

The report details what it calls the Burmese military regime's campaign of restriction, discrimination and persecution against Christians.

Burma's military has ruled the country since 1962 and detained some 1,100 political prisoners.

Earlier this month, the United States drafted a UN Security Council resolution against Burma's military government, urging it to release all political prisoners, speed up progress toward democracy, and stop attacks against ethnic minorities.

The measure was defeated with a rare double-veto by China and Russia.

Infomation for this report is provided by Christian Today and Asian Tribune