Burma Criticizes U.S. and British Role in Its Affairs

The Burmese government says protests this week in Rangoon are the public's way of criticizing U.S. and British attempts to interfere in Burma's internal affairs.

An article in the state-run New Light of Myanmar newspaper today said the protests reflect the Burmese people's objection to what it called "hegemonic acts."

On Tuesday and Wednesday, about 30 supporters of Burma's military government demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in Rangoon to protest U.S. support for a failed United Nations Security Council resolution criticizing Burma.

Last month, China and Russia vetoed the U.S.-drafted resolution that urged Burma to release all political prisoners and speed up progress toward democracy.

British lawmakers have proposed a resolution that calls on the United Nations to investigate alleged violations of religious freedom in Burma.

The United States and other nations have often criticized Burma's military rulers for their human rights record and failure to hand power to a democratically elected government.