Newspaper Ad's Hidden Message Calls Burma's Leader a Killer

A Danish group of artists placed an ad in Monday's edition of the Myanmar Times they said contained a hidden message calling the country's military ruler General Than Shwe a "killer."

The half-page ad, published by Danish-based Surrend group, looks like an innocent call for Scandinavian holidaymakers to visit Burma, with the drawing of a palm tree and sun.

The ad also contains a poem, extolling the pleasures of travel. But if you look closer, the first letters of each line spell the word "freedom."

Some of the text at the bottom of the ad -- when read backwards -- reads "Killer Than Schwe."

Danish artists Pia Bertelsen and Jan Egesborg ,who formed the Surrend, say they like to poke fun at dictators. Last year, they pulled a similar trick in the government-controlled Tehran Times, calling Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a "swine."

Information for this story is provided by AP and AFP.