British Prime Minister Calls for Sanctions on Burma

The British prime minister says he wants tougher sanctions on Burma, following the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown met today - Saturday with a group of Burmese democracy campaigners and monks at his office at 10 Downing Street.

He spoke at the start of a day of protests in many cities around the world against Burma's military government. Protesters in London are joining Buddhist monks scattering rose petals in the River Thames to show solidarity with protesters in Burma.

Mr. Brown said he supports international efforts to stop the violence in Burma, and he wants the European Union to impose new sanctions on the military government.

He also said he believes many more people were killed in the protests than the 10 that Burma has said were killed. The prime minister also says he is worried about the many people arrested.

Information for this report is provided by AP and Reuters.