UN Envoy to Meet With Foreign Diplomats in Remote Burmese Capital

Diplomats in Burma said they were invited to meet with Gambari on Wednesday, but gave little information regarding the agenda for the gathering.

Gambari arrived in Burma on Saturday and has been holding talks with the country's military rulers since his arrival.

It is not clear if Gambari will meet with Burma's military leader Than Shwe during his visits or whether he will go ahead with a scheduled meeting with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi today.

Gambari is in Burma as part of a push to encourage reconciliation between the military government and its pro-democracy opponents.

Also today, the UN's special envoy on human rights in Burma, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, said he has been invited for a visit next week by the country's military authorities.

Pinheiro has been barred from visiting Burma since 2003.

He welcomed the invitation, which will take him to the country between November 11th to 15th.

After receiving his initial permission for a visit last month, Pinheiro said that if Burmese officials do not give him full cooperation he will get on a plane and leave the country.

Information for this report is provided by AP and Reuters