Three More Activists Detained in Burma During UN Envoy's Visit

Witnesses in Burma say three more activists have been arrested, as UN human rights envoy Paulo Sergio Pinheiro meets with Burmese military leaders in the remote capital of Naypyidaw.

Witnesses say the activists were arrested Wednesday while handing out anti-government pamphlets at a fruit market in Rangoon.

Burma's military government crushed pro-democracy protests in September, and Pinheiro is in the country to investigate how many people were killed and thrown in jail during the crackdown.

The top UN diplomat in Burma, Charles Petrie, said Pinheiro is "disturbed" by the arrest Tuesday of a prominent labor activist. It is not known where the activist, Su Su Nway, is being held.

The United Nations says Pinheiro has been assured that he will be allowed to visit political prisoners before his scheduled departure from the country on Thursday.

According to Burmese officials, 10 people were killed and nearly three thousand detained in the September crackdown. But diplomats and human rights groups say the true figures are much higher.

During his meetings today, Pinheiro met with Burma's foreign minister and its labor minister, Aung Kyi, who is acting as a liaison between the military-ruled government and detained opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Information for this story is provided by AFP and Reuters.