Meet the New VOA Burmese Service Chief - 2003-01-29

In an interview by VOA Burmese staffer U Chit Oo, the newly appointed Burmese Service chief Khin Maung Htay talked about his personal background and his long journalistic experience, both inside Burma and at the BBC and VOA.

When Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was first released in 1995, Khin Maung Htay talked about his impressions of the nobel laureate. He said she is a highly patriotic and selfless person--much like her father, Burma's independence hero, the late General Aung San.

He also said he was pleased and honored with his new position as Service Chief. It enables him to work hand-in-hand with his experienced colleagues at VOA.

Most of all, Khin Maung Htay wanted listeners to know that VOA Burmese will continue to develop a fresh tone that will appeal to all reaches of the Burmese audience.