Lecture on the Leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi - 2003-03-01

Sunda Khin, Public Relations Director for Justice for Human Rights in Burma, located in Washington, D.C, and Moe Thee Zun, Founder of the Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) spoke at the Darden School on February 20 about the nature of Aung San Suu Kyi's leadership.

Sunda said, "this is the second year that we have been invited to speak and participate at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration to the MBA Class of 2003."

She continued, "of great interest to the students was Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's strong convictions, her unwavering courage, her keen sense of awareness and the personal sacrifices she has made for her country."

She also discussed why the Burmese people chose to follow her and the NLD party in spite of a myriad of difficulties that the NLD party faced during the 1990 general elections.

In conclusion, she expressed that as a practicing Buddhist, Aung San Suu Kyi also believes in non-violence and to this day is an inspirational leader and a symbol of hope for the people of Burma.

Based upon his experiences, Moe Thee Zun, the Founder of Democratic Party for a New Society, expressed the significant leadership qualification of loving-kindness.

In regards to the students’ responses, Assiociate Professor of Business Ethics, Andrew Wicks said, “there was nobody in the class trying to defend what the current government was trying to do...but the question remains what do you do in response to, how do you behave when confronted with something you can only describe as evil.”