Burmese Dissidents Comment on War on Iraq - 2003-03-23

Kyaw Thu Ya, political affairs official of All Burma Students Democratic Front said that although he supports democracy and human rights he does not believe war is a correct means to remove a dictator.

However, Pado Mehm Sha, Secretary General of the Karen National Union said that there is no other means than force to remove dictators.

Noting that American-led coalition action was to liberate Iraqis from dictatorship and to eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction, Bo Thaung, Vice President of National League of Democracy (liberated area) welcomed the military action.

Khun Htun Oo, president of Shan NLD observed that the world is safer with this military operation. However, Dr. Aye Kyaw, New York University historian stressed that United Nations, like its predecessor League of Nations, has once again failed to act, prompting U.S. military initiative.

But Dr. Zani of free Burma Coalition disagrees, asserting that the U.S., as a world superpower, behaved illegally and without UN approval.