US Congress: Burma Sanctions - 2003-07-23

The U.S. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would punish Burma's military government for its latest crackdown on the country's democracy movement.

This legislation strengthened previous sanctions by banning among other things textile imports from the military ruled country to the U.S. This shows how U.S. Congress is taking seriously about recent events in Burma where democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was attacked by pro-government thugs and later detained, said Ko Aung Din, one of the leading Burma activist who campaigned for the sanctions.

This legislation sends a strong message to Burmese Generals that further actions maybe taken if Nobel laureate is not release soon, said Dr.Thaung Htun, a Foreign Affairs official of exiled National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB).

The military junta would be further isolated and must bear consequenses if they ignore the world opinion, said U Bo Hla Tint, an official of NCGUB.