UN Human Rights Special Envoy Arrives In Burma - 2003-11-01

A United Nations expert has arrived in Burma to assess human rights developments in the military-ruled country.

Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, the special envoy of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Burma, is scheduled to stay in the country for one week.

He was expected to arrive in the country on Monday, but flew into Burma two days early for unknown reasons.

The last time Mr. Pinheiro visited Burma in March, he cut short his trip after finding a bugging device while he was talking confidentially to political prisoners.

Since that time, the United States, says human rights conditions in Burma have deteriorated significantly, and are now "abysmal."

In May, the Burmese government arrested opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and has been holding her under house arrest. It is not known whether Mr. Pinheiro will be allowed to meet with her.

Mr. Pinheiro will present observations from his visit to the UN General Assembly on November 12th.

Information for this report is provided by AP and Reuters.