Exile Burmese Government Leader Spells Out Views on Latest Political Developments In Burma - 2003-12-12

Dr. Sein Win, head of the Washington-based exile Burmese government told VOA about his group's view on various developments with regard to Burma.

On December 9 General Saw Bo Mya of the Thai-based Karen National Union announced that his ethnic Karen rebel group and the State Peace and Development Council (military government in Rangoon) have, in effect, agreed to stop fighting in the wake of the return of a five-member KNU delegation that visited Burma December 3 through 8.

In connection with the KNU-SPDC cease-fire that came into effect on December 8, Dr. Sein Win said his group -- the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma -- considers it a cease-fire agreement and nothing more than that.

He expressed hope that further political talks will bring about more promising opportunities especially on national reconciliation that should include Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, her party the National League for Democracy and the elected members of parliament of the 1990 election.

On the question of the endorsement of the National Convention to be sponsored by the military government in Rangoon by the U.S.-based grassroots organization -- Free Burma Coalition -- on December 9, Burmese exile government leader said -- in his words -- "they are free to do whatever they like" -- and that he has no comments to make on this issue. Free Burma Coalition (FBC) spearheaded the sanctions movement by nations around the world against Rangoon.

With regard to the upcoming Burma Roadmap 10-nation discussion in Bangkok on December 15 and the Japan-ASEAN summit in Tokyo on December 11 through 12, Dr. Sein Win said he prefers to wait and see the outcome from these meetings.