Discussion On Convening Of New National Convention - 2004-01-06

Moe Thee Zun talked about the current political situation of Burma. He said it was still too early to welcome the new National Convention proposed by Burmese Military Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt.

He said the idea of convening the National Convention was not a new idea. It was already held and was already turned down by the opposition. He gave several reasons why it was still early to accept the Convention.

He said there should be a dialogue between the Military Government and the Opposition before the National Convention.

Moe Thee Zun said that he would not say that the military does not have good intentions for the country but what it has done does not show that it has.

He also said he was not worried when some suggested that time may not be on the side of the Opposition because Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her colleagues are getting older.

He said that it was not acceptable to throw away one's policy and accept the SPDC's offer just because of that concern.