Witness Describes Fatal Lindh Attack - 2004-01-16

A witness to the fatal stabbing of Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh has testified how the confessed killer carried out last year's attack.

Eva Franchell said Mijailo Mijailovic quickly approached Ms. Lindh in a Stockholm department store in September, pushed her against a clothing rack, and appeared to be punching her.

Ms. Franchell, who was shopping with Ms. Lindh, said said the attack lasted several seconds and Ms. Lindh then collapsed.

The defendant told the court at the start of his trial Wednesday that he did not mean to kill Ms. Lindh, who died the day after the attack.

He said he saw the 46-year-old foreign minster in the store, and voices in his head instructed him to attack her. He refused to answer questions from the prosecution on Thursday.

The court has adjourned until Monday, when closing arguments begin.

News reports from Stockholm say the 25-year-old defendant of Yugoslav origin is expected to undergo further psychiatric examinations before a verdict is reached.

He has prior convictions for assault, illegal weapons possession and making death threats. He could be sentenced to life in prison if found guilty of murder.

Information for this report is provided by AP and AFP.