Karenni National Progressive Party's Perspective On KNU Peace Talk With SPDC - 2004-01-19

VOA Burmese Service interviewed General Secretary U Rae Mon Htoo of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) on the ceasefire meeting of the KNU and the SPDC and also on the possible ceasefire meeting between the KNPP and the SPDC.

U Rae Mon Htoo welcomed the effort of the KNU and the SPDC although he had some concerns. He said that the Military Government sent some mediators to sound out how the KNPP felt about a ceasefire meeting but was unwilling to send an official invitation.

He said that the SPDC asked the KNPP to just come over for a meeting because the KNPP already had a ceasefire agreement in 1995.

However, U Rae Mon Htoo said that the KNPP considered the old agreement dead because the SPDC had broken it. He said that the KNPP would like to negotiate a new agreement that is based in bringing about peace in the whole country not only to bring benefit to a group.