National League for Democracy Finds UN and BBC Irksome - 2004-05-26

The National League for Democracy says the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan should pursue a more active role in improving the political situation in Burma.

In an interview with VOA Burmese Service, NLD secretary and spokesperson U Lwin said as a non-political appointee and a seasoned career U.N. diplomat Mr. Annan surely knows what he could do to help break the political impasse in Burma within the U.N. framework instead of leaving the issue, as he is doing now, to the regional grouping -- ASEAN -- for a possible solution.

The NLD official hinted the Secretary General could take up the Burma issue with the United Nations Security Council.

With regard to sanctions against Rangoon, U Lwin said he feels the Voice of America broadcasts on this matter are more in sync with the U.S. policy in general whereas the British Broadcasting Corporation seems to have a different perspective. He expressed reservations about the position taken by the British broadcaster.

U Lwin also exhorted Burmese pro-democracy groups all over the world to be more united and more action-driven with workable realistic objectives.