Bush: Reagan's Death A Sad Day For America - 2004-06-06

President Bush says former President Reagan's death marks a sad day for America.

Mr. Bush said today (Saturday) in Paris, France that Reagan -- in his words -- "leaves behind a nation he restored and a world he helped save." Mr. Bush said Reagan won his country's respect with his greatness.

Mr. Bush said President Reagan had the confidence that comes with conviction and the humor that comes with wisdom.

French President Jacques Chirac, who is hosting President Bush, called Mr. Reagan a "great man of state."

Britain's Queen Elizabeth said she was "saddened" by Reagan's death.

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was a close ally of President Reagan, said the former president will be missed. Speaking to the British Press Association, Mrs. Thatcher called the 40th U.S. president "a truly great American hero."

Information for this report is provided by AP and Reuters.