'Burma Will Not Harbor Anti-India Rebels' - Minister - 2004-07-25

Burmese Foreign Minister U Win Aung has assured India that Rangoon will not allow anti-India rebels to operate from within its borders.

The Press Trust of India (news agency) reports (from New Delhi that) the Burmese envoy pledged Rangoon's cooperation during talks Saturday with Indian Foreign Minister Natwar Singh.

During a discussion of global terrorism, a spokesman was quoted as saying that Mr. U Win Aung gave his assurances that no terrorist group would be allowed to use Burmese territory for "activities which are inimical to India."

The European Union has been demanding Burma's exclusion from an October summit of European and Asian leaders, because of its human-rights record and the continuing house arrest of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. India supports Burma in the dispute.

Information for this report is provided by AP and AFP.