Reports: Al Qaida Plotting Suicide Truck Bombs For NYC - 2004-08-01

Authorities in New York are stepping up security precautions in reaction to new warnings that al-Qaida terrorists may be planning to attack the United States' biggest city.

A police spokesman says officials have been warned about possible suicide truck-bomb attacks on major corporations, financial institutions or international organizations. They also are said to be on alert for possible chemical attacks through building ventilation systems.

The warnings reportedly were issued after the city's police commissioner (Raymond Kelly) met with officials from the FBI.

News reports (that began appearing late Saturday) say the warnings are considered both credible and cause for elevated concern.

One account by ABC News quotes law enforcement officials as saying that American authorities have been told the al-Qaida network plans to send (non-Arab) terrorists into U.S. territory from Mexico.

There is no information about the timing of any possible attacks. New York will be the focus of U.S. politics at the end of the month, during the Republican Party convention that will formally launch President Bush's campaign for a second term at the White House.