Bush Picks Congressman Porter Goss for Top CIA Job - 2004-08-10

President Bush says Congressman Porter Goss is his choice to be the new Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Goss has years of experience with the intelligence community.

Congressman Goss is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He is also a former Army intelligence operative and C.I.A. officer.

President Bush says Porter Goss knows the agency first hand, and is prepared to lead.

He said, "I look forward to his counsel and his judgments as to how to implement broader intel reform, including the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission."

The Florida Republican is highly respected on the Hill, but his nomination could create some controversy due to his strong party ties. But Mr. Goss says he looks forward to his confirmation hearings in the Senate.

He said, "As a member right now on the Hill I know the value of that and the importance of that."

If confirmed, Mr. Goss will succeed George Tenet, who left at a time of intense criticism of the C.I.A. and its intelligence gathering prior to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States and the war in Iraq.