Message Attributed to Jemaah Islamiyah Claims Responsibility for Jakarta Bombing - 2004-09-10

A message reportedly from the Southeast Asian terrorist network Jemaah Islamiyah has claimed responsibility for a car bombing that killed at least nine people in Jakarta.

Thursday's blast also injured more than 180 near the Australian embassy in the Indonesian capital. No one inside the heavily- fortified embassy was killed. Most of the dead were Indonesians.

The message was posted in a public forum on the Internet and said the bombing was retaliation for Australia's support of the war in Iraq.

Jemaah Islamiyah has also been accused of involvement in the bombing of a Marriott hotel in Jakarta last year in which 12 people died, and, two years ago, the nightclub bombings in Bali that killed 202 people.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.