Burma Says PM Khin Nyunt Removed Due To Failure to Act Against Corruption - 2004-10-25

Burma's military government says it removed former prime minister General Khin Nyunt from office last week because he failed to take action against corruption.

Burma's official media quote a senior leader (General Thura Shwe Mann) as saying the government took action against what he called "responsible officials" involved in corruption, and vowed to remove anyone violating existing rules and laws.

Khin Nyunt had helped draft Burma's so called "roadmap to democracy." His replacement, Soe Win is seen as a military hardliner.

Initial state media reports said General Khin Nyunt retired for health reasons.

Burma's military rulers have been in power since 1962. They refused to turn over power to the pro-democracy National League for Democracy, which won a landslide victory in the 1990 elections.